Saturday, September 5, 2020

Bill Gates has given $50 billion to charity since 1994.

Bill Gates has given more than $50 billion to charity since 1994. However, his wealth has grown even faster than he has donated money. As of June 2020, Gates’ net worth was estimated at roughly $110 billion, according to Forbes. Bill and Melinda Gates are some of the richest couples in the world but they've pledged to give away 95% of their fortune.

Bill Gates' parents wanted him to pursue a career in law as his father himself. However, computer and coding found their way into Gates' life after his school bought a General Electric computer for the students. The system was procured from a rummage sale. This fascinated Gates, how a perfectly executed code could provide accurate results. His interest in programming in BASIC caught the teacher's attention that he was often excused from classes to pursue this interest. At the age of 31, he became the youngest billionaire and for 13 years, he was the richest man in the world.

The Bill-Melinda Gates foundation is a prime example of how you can give back to the society. After heading Microsoft into excellence in various positions, he stepped down from the role of chairman to Technology Advisor. He and his Wife, Melinda Gates together picked up the path of social commitment and service.

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